For Immediate Release Contact:
Elizabeth Rivera | 202-547-7800 |
NAWG Responds to Chairwoman Stabenow and Chairman Thompson’s Farm Bill Proposals
Washington, D.C. (May 1, 2024) – Today, Chairwoman Debbie Stabenow (D-MI) and Chairman Glenn “GT” Thompson (R-PA-15) each released their own five-year Farm Bill proposals. The National Association of Wheat Growers (NAWG) President Keeff Felty provided the following statement in response:
“It is great to see progress being made on a long-term Farm Bill. We are glad to see legislative summaries being put forward by both the Senate and House Agriculture Committees to get a Farm Bill done in the 118th Congress. NAWG will continue reviewing these Farm Bill proposals and remain in contact with committee leaders and staff.”
“NAWG continues to advocate for a bill that works for our wheat growers and rural communities. Since identifying our Farm Bill priorities in June 2022, NAWG has advocated for a strong crop safety net, which protects crop insurance and works to enhance the Title I programs and crop insurance.”
“As the process continues, we urge the four corners to work together to pass a bill that can pass both chambers and get signed into law before the end of the year.”
NAWG will continue to underscore the need to get a Farm Bill done, which works for wheat growers and rural America. These priorities include:
- Protecting crop insurance that serves as the cornerstone of the farm safety net.
- Working to strengthen and enhance Title I and crop insurance to protect farmers better.
- Supporting financial and technical assistance through voluntary conservation cost-share programs for producers in all climates and wheat-producing regions.
- Encouraging additional investment in agricultural trade promotions and US commodities as part of the Farm Bill’s trade title.
- Supporting wheat research programs authorized under the Farm Bill and robust funding as part of the annual appropriations process.