Press Releases:
Jun 26, 2023
NAWG Hires New Government Relations Representative
For Immediate Release Contact: Mariah Wollweber | 202-547-7800 | NAWG Hires New Government Relations Representative Washington, D.C. (June 26, 2023) – Today, NAWG welcomes Jack Long as the new Government Relations Representative. Long is a recent graduate from Oklahoma State University, where he received a Master’s in Agribusiness. Long is originally from Cole Camp, MO, […]
Jun 22, 2023
Introduction of American Farmers Feed the World Act
For Immediate Release Contact: Mariah Wollweber | 202-547-7800 | NAWG Applauds Introduction of American Farmers Feed the World Act Washington, D.C. (June 22, 2023) – Today, Representatives Tracey Mann (R-KS-01), John Garamendi (D-CA-08), Rick Crawford (R-AR-01), and Jimmy Panetta (D-CA-19) introduced the American Farmers Feed the World Act of 2023. NAWG applauds this bipartisan effort to […]
Jun 21, 2023
NAWG CEO Participates in Western Caucus Forum
For Immediate Release Contact: Mariah Wollweber | 202-547-7800 | NAWG CEO Participates in Western Caucus Forum Washington, D.C. (June 21, 2023) – Today, NAWG CEO Chandler Goule provided an opening statement at a Congressional Western Caucus Forum on the Importance of Hydropower to Rural Communities and the impacts it would have to the wheat industry. […]
May 25, 2023
NAWG Responds to SCOTUS Ruling in Sackett v. EPA Case
For Immediate Release Contact: Mariah Wollweber | 202-547-7800 | NAWG Responds to SCOTUS Ruling in Sackett v. EPA Case Washington, D.C. (May 25, 2023) – Today, the Supreme Court issued a decision in Sackett v. EPA that narrows the extent of federal jurisdiction over bodies of water under the Clean Water Act. “NAWG is pleased […]
May 19, 2023
USDA Announces Disaster Aid Implementation
For Immediate Release Contact: Mariah Wollweber | 202-547-7800 | Washington, D.C. (May 19, 2023) – Today, Secretary Tom Vilsack announced how the U.S. Department of Agriculture (USDA) plans to implement the $3.7 billion Congress appropriated for disaster aid in calendar year 2022. The Emergency Relief Program (ERP) and Emergency Livestock Relief Program (ELRP) will […]
May 02, 2023
NAWG Testifies Before Senate Ag Subcommittee
For Immediate Release Contact: Mariah Wollweber, 202.547.7800, NAWG Testifies Before Senate Agriculture Subcommittee During “Producer Perspective on the Farm Safety Net” Hearing Washington, D.C. (May 2, 2023) – National Association of Wheat Growers President and Klamath Falls, OR wheat farmer Brent Cheyne, testified in front of the Senate Agriculture Subcommittee on […]
Apr 26, 2023
NAWG Testifies to House Agriculture Subcommittee
For Immediate Release Contact: Mariah Wollweber, 202.547.7800, NAWG Testifies to House Agriculture Subcommittee During “Producer Perspective on the 2023 Farm Bill” Hearing Washington, D.C. (April 26, 2023) – National Association of Wheat Growers President and Klamath Falls, OR wheat farmer Brent Cheyne, testified in front of the House Agriculture Subcommittee on […]
Apr 06, 2023
New Check on India’s Wheat and Rice Subsidy Scheme
Contact: Mariah Wollweber, 202.547.7800, Steve Mercer, U.S. Wheat Associates, 913-449-4134, Wheat Industry Welcomes New Check on India’s Wheat and Rice Subsidy Scheme Washington, D.C. (April 6, 2023) —U.S. Wheat Associates (USW) and the National Association of Wheat Growers (NAWG) today praised the Office of the United States Trade Representative (USTR) for submitting […]
Mar 15, 2023
CP-KCS Merger
Washington, D.C. (March 15, 2022) —U.S. Wheat Associates (USW) and the NationalAssociation of Wheat Growers (NAWG) are disappointed that the Surface Transportation Board(STB) has approved Canadian Pacific Railway’s merger with Kansas City Southern Railroad. In public comments submitted to the STB on the proposed sale in February 2022, USW said themarket power held by the […]
Mar 09, 2023
NAWG Elects New Officers
Washington, D.C. (March 09, 2023) – Today, Brent Cheyne was elected President of theNational Association of Wheat Growers (NAWG). Brent farms with his son Rodney nearKlamath Falls, Oregon, where they raise wheat, barley, oats, alfalfa and Angus cattle. In2011, Brent began his time with the Oregon Wheat Growers League as the Oregonpresident before accepting the position […]
Feb 16, 2023
Wheat Growers Encourage Additional MAP/FMD Funding
For Immediate Release Washington, D.C. (February 16, 2023) – As Congress gears up for Farm Bill reauthorization, the National Association of Wheat Growers (NAWG) and U.S. Wheat Associates (USW) are announcing advocacy tools and resources to engage with their legislators on the Expanding Agricultural Exports Act (S. 176) and Agriculture Export Promotion Act (H.R. 648), which […]
Feb 07, 2023
NAWG Response to SOTU
Washington, D.C. (February 7, 2023) — Tonight, President Joseph Biden delivered his secondState of the Union remarks to Congress. NAWG CEO, Chandler Goule, provide the followingstatement in response: “While the President addressed many issues of importance to the American people – likeinflation, food prices, and food security – we are eager to hear more about […]