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NAWG Press Releases

Press Releases:

The U.S. Wheat Industry, consisting of the National Association of Wheat Growers and U.S. Wheat Associates, has teamed up to bring you the latest happenings in the world of wheat. Stop by to talk with a wheat grower and our staff to learn more about all things wheat. Who: National Association of Wheat Growers and […]
This morning in a colloquy on the Senate floor, Senate leadership committed to working with House leadership to reverse crop insurance cuts that are included as part of the Bipartisan Budget Agreement currently before the Senate as part of an omnibus appropriations bill, due in December. Following is a statement from NAWG President, Brett Blankenship, […]
This afternoon, the Senate unanimously approved the short-term highway bill extension, which includes a three-year extension for implementation of Positive Train Control (PTC). The bill passed the House of Representatives earlier this week. Following Senate passage, NAWG President, Brett Blankenship, wheat grower from Washtucna, Wash. made the following statement: “We are very pleased by the […]
Last night, the Administration and Congressional leadership announced a bipartisan budget deal that would both raise discretionary spending caps for FY 2016 and FY 2017 and it would increase the debt limit until March 15, 2017. This budget agreement could have significant negative impacts on agriculture. “NAWG is very opposed to these provisions that would be […]
U.S. Wheat Associates (USW) and the National Association of Wheat Growers (NAWG) are pleased that negotiators have reached an agreement in the Trans-Pacific Partnership (TPP). “Asia is a growing regional market and this agreement has the potential to increase economic opportunity and wheat demand even in countries where we already have duty free access,” said […]
Following House passage last night of the Agriculture Reauthorizations Act of 2015, Brett Blankenship, NAWG President and wheat grower from Washtucna, Wash. issued the following statement. “This bill establishes more transparency and ensures there is no disruption in inspection services should a delegated state agency discontinue providing services. This bill provides the certainty wheat growers […]
The National Association of Wheat Growers (NAWG) is pleased by the Senate Agriculture Committee action this morning on the Grain Standards Act that sets the framework for the functioning of the U.S. Department of Agriculture’s Federal Grain Inspection Service. Following is a statement from NAWG President, Brett Blankenship, wheat grower from Washtucna, Wash.: “NAWG is […]
U.S. Wheat Associates (USW) and the National Association of Wheat Growers (NAWG) unveiled the results of an econometric study showing that excessive farm support in several advanced developing countries could cost U.S. wheat farmers nearly $1 billion in revenue every year. USW recently showed that the governments of China, India, Turkey and Brazil have dramatically […]
What: In February 2015, U.S. Wheat Associates (USW) and USA Rice Federation presented results of a study showing that several advanced developing countries have dramatically increased subsidies for agricultural production over the past ten years to levels that exceed their WTO commitments — in most cases by large margins. Now, results of a new, ground-breaking econometric […]
NAWG is pleased by the thoughtful action of the North Dakota district court late Thursday to block implementation of the Waters of the U.S. regulation. The parties involved in the temporary injunction will not be subject to the new rule, effective today, and instead will be subject to prior regulation. Regarding the court’s action, NAWG […]
NAWG praises members of the United States House of Representatives for passing the Safe and Accurate Food Labeling Act by a 275-150 vote today and establishing a uniform, science-based, voluntary food labeling standard. “The bipartisan efforts showcased today reflects the support from American consumers and farmers toward a consistent and transparent food label that is […]
Harvest season is in full swing for much of the country’s wheat growers. This year’s added precipitation has made disease more prominent in many wheat-growing states including Colorado, Kansas, Missouri and Nebraska. According to the U.S. Department of Agriculture’s Risk Management Agency, high levels of vomitoxin may result in either a discount in price or […]