News & Events


Farm Credit, IPP member of NAWG, discusses trending financial situations and what farmers can do to have a reliable and steady partner for their financial needs through their co-op. NAWG staff also give updates on mental wellness, CRP programs and NWIC.
A word from our Industry Partner FMC and more on Farm Bill. Featuring: NAWG President Nicole Berg & CEO Chandler Goule
Travel, elections, travel, elections and more travel and elections. Featuring: NAWG President Nicole Berg & CEO Chandler Goule
Transportation is critical to wheat; Mississippi River, Snake River Dams and rail all serve important roles to growers around the nation. NAWG officers and staff tour the South and learn about cotton, soybeans, rice and more!

NAWG discusses ad hoc D.C. fly in and the importance of advocating wheat growers 2023 Farm Bill priorities.